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Bar Crusher Blend Coffee


Full bodied coffee with added kick, a blend inspired by our friends at Underwater Safaris in Narooma
Based on our Bar Blend with added Robusta to gives extra coffees body and richness in colour and flavour to the Crema.

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SKU: Bar Crusher Category:



Full bodied coffee with added kick,

The Bar Crusher blend was inspired by our friends at Underwater Safaris in Narooma go check them out and book a dive with seals.
The Bar Crusher blend based on our our strong robust Costa Rican/Colombian Bar Blend 70% we’ve added some Vietnamese Robusta 30% for some added kick.
A Dark roast full bodied with a chocolate a hint, fruity tones and a subtle acidity.
Through espresso preparation produces a nice thick dark crema with a caramelly delicious long lasting aftertaste.
For those who like a good strong kick start in their morning coffee. We roast this blend on a weekly basis so it is always fresh when posted.

Coffee Preparation

produces a nice thick dark crema with a caramelly delicious long lasting aftertaste. A good coffee for a Café Latte or a long Black. Extraction temp of 88 Degrees Celsius for best results.

preparation makes a good strong coffee that will rival any Café purchased coffee.

Coffee Grinder
To get the most out of your coffee, purchase your own grinder. Fresh on demand ground coffee will give you better flavor and aroma over pre-ground coffee, it will also gives you the flexibility to adjust your grind to get the best out of your coffee for your brewing method. Regularly cleaning of your grinder will also improve the quality of your coffee extractions.
Using coffee within 6 weeks of roast date will ensure you get the best flavours in your cup, as coffee ages to subtle flavours and aromas will gas off or oxadise which will increase bitterness.

We use this coffee through out machine at the Moruya Country Market every Saturday (weather dependent).

Currently this blend will only be available online and at SouthLands Fruit and Veg 250g bags only (Narooma and Moruya Shops).

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